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Red Snapper Tomato Seed

Red Snapper Tomato Seed

Regular price $4.00
Regular price Sale price $4.00
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10 seeds. We started growing Red Snapper tomatoes when this variety was first released, and it's been a favorite of ours ever since! This is a hybrid determine tomato variety with plants that only get around 5' tall. The plants are extremely vigorous and have exceptional disease resistance, even in the Deep South.

At peak ripeness, Red Snapper tomatoes have a deep red color and great flavor for a hybrid tomato. This is one of our go-to tomato varieties for canning stewed tomatoes and pasta sauce. Each plant will be loaded with jumbo-sized tomatoes that have a nice shelf-life once harvested.

Because these plants get so loaded with heavy fruits, you'll need a strong support system for them. We prefer to use the Florida weave trellis, but you can also use sturdy cages made with fencing. Expect to harvest buckets and buckets of these if you plant more than a few plants!

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